We are at the end of January 2019 at the moment and we have thrown ourselves into this years challenge… It was not a new years resolution, to hike the globe, more of a new years wish – to spend more time in the mountains. Enjoying peace and freedom, feeling the winds, smelling the high mountain air and feel our bodies be alive and connected to the nature. We love adventures and especially my kiddo thrives on challenges.
We want to walk 46.000 altitude meters this year. Counting the going up part, from start of the walk, to the highest point reached. We will only count different peaks, huts or places or at least use different approach if the same destination . Our goal is to do as much as we can in Slovenia, but a true wish is to hike the globe. YES! Would absolutely love to add altitude meters from other countries and continents. Plans are bigger and higher then 46.000 if we manage to do everything 😉 Amidst other, lets share the interesting stuff: Musala peak in Bulgaria – highest mountain of the Balkans and Mont blanc circuit trek. We are also having high hopes to return to Nepal in the fall and do Everest base camp and/or Annapurna circuit. My secret wish is also mt. Olympus home of Greek gods . And Sunny kid is dreaming of climbing volcanoes.
Why 46.000?
Well, we had to come up with a number. I estimated we did about 20.000 to 25.000 last year… So to make it a challenge, we needed to somehow double it. And since I will be 39 this year and Sunny kid will be 7, that makes a nice 46. 🙂 And a good number of altitude meters to rock this year – 46.000 challenge it is.
What are we trying to promote?
We will use the attention that our 46.000 project will get, to educate on importance of connecting children with nature. We live in the time, where raising humans, who respect and value the planet that we live on, is crucial. The connection to the natural world is ingrained in every newborn. But as a consequence of the current modern lifestyle, it is wiped away in the first years of life, for so many children. There is less and less time and opportunities for playing in the woods, running barefoot on the grass, climbing those trees, breathing in the fresh mountain air and just be wild and free. We are losing the meaning of life as we are being pulled in to shallow living, artificial food and constant overload of informations that are frying our brain. We need to stop and reconnect with what we once were. Go back to nature. For me it sums up to this: If the kids spend enough time in nature, not only will they thrive in all aspects of being, but also they will stay connected with the natural world. They will feel at home in the forests in the meadows, on the peaks, by the streams… I have seen how nature becomes their favorite playground, their sunrise to sunset place to explore, their friend and companion. And what we love, what we cherish, what we are connected to, we protect. And we need kids, we need generations that are growing up now, to be the protectors of the earth, cause their grown ups, sorry for the word, but – fucked it up.
Wanna help us or join the challenge?
We could use all the help, especially on the part of hiking the globe, since our own budget will not take us very far 😉
@ We would love company on our hikes so feel free to join us or invite us to join you.
@ All donations are extremely cherished and will be used for travel expenses so we can get to our dream mountains and really hike the globe. If you give us your address we will make sure you get a postcard from somewhere in this world. You can find donation form below.
@ Half of the donations will be spent for the cause of getting more children outdoors, for conserving nature and rewilding families. Check the projects that donations will go to and let us know if you have any ideas that we could help with.
@ We are looking for sponsors, that would provide us with good high altitude equipment for treks and mountaineering or other hiking related things. In return we offer space for ads on our website and/or mentions/tags on our instagram or fb accounts. If a serious sponsor / donator appears we would also give exclusive rights to use our materials like photos, videos and texts.
@ Use #hikingtheglobetogether or #kidshikefornature on Instagram. We will feature some of your pics on our page.
SUNNY KID – mountain girl since the first steps